The Center for Grief & Growth

Welcome to The Center for Grief and Growth where you can access self-guided, online resource, courses and more. The Center teaches a proactive and renegade perspective around mental health, emotional resilience, community care, and well-being utilizing integrative practices, somatic movement, neuroscience, and mindfulness rooted in both ancient wisdom traditions and modern-day, science-backed counseling psychology.
These resources are trauma-informed, anti-racist, inclusive, attuned to the intricacies of grief and the human experience that can accompany your pain and will forever endeavor to decolonize our conceptualization of our struggles and the power of our shared humanity.
I guide you through the real-time integration of these teachings to create sustainable, life-changing shifts in the midst of life’s most painful experiences so you can access healthy grief and sustainable healing.
Thanks for trusting me to guide the way.
But first, a note of solidarity
When it comes to the painful experiences in life, it’s not always immediately clear where to begin. It's totally normal if you're not sure exactly what you want to work on or how exactly to communicate what you’re looking for. Many of my best clients aren't sure coming in, they just felt compelled to connect with me and followed with their gut to sign up. If you’re feeling any kind of hesitation, remember: seeking support is the number one sign of readiness to begin healing. Take a look through the variety of ways we can work together below. When in doubt, reach out directly and together, we’ll figure out the perfect place for you to get started.
You don’t have to do any of this alone.

“Best thing I ever did for myself!!! Sarah is amazing. Her program is intense, thoughtful, provocative and intimate!!”
- Amy E.
“My work with Sarah has helped me find inner strength to create my new life. I would recommend Sarah to any person looking to fully embrace life and create their next chapter. She only helps you discover your own truth and to define and discover who you are and what you want in life. She will help you find answers in yourself, but not tell you what the answers are. I would encourage any one to take the leap and trust Sarah.”
- Mash J.
Ways to work with me
Clients work with me in a variety of ways. Take a peek and see which option resonates with your needs. That’s often the perfect place to get started. Trust your gut to point you in the right direction.
Online Resources
The most gentle, on-demand way to take small actions on behalf of your future self and guide you daily in the direction of healing and vitality.
Scan the menu of relevant topics to select the short teaching video(s) you most need in any moment to feel supported, resourced, and clear on the proactive path forward. The robust selection of resource topics gives you an a la carte user experience to decide which resource will best support you on any given day. This is a “come as you are” experience, with an open door policy to revisit these resources over and over again anytime you need them.
Virtual Courses
Self-paced, professionally guided online courses designed to meet you where you are on the wild ride of life and help you access and sustain forward momentum on your journey.
This is the most accessible and flexible option to learn the foundational teachings for well-being you’ll refer back to again and again as you grow, heal, and find your way forward. Each module of the course offers up small teaching segments, integrative prompts, and accessible practices to help you begin breaking down old patterns, access new tools for self-resourcing, and move beyond surviving to the sweetness on the other side of pain.
Live & Archived Workshops
Season and collective experiences such as the holidays or a global pandemic often illuminate the need or inspiration for a specific type of workshop. Join me live for one that interests you, or access the archives to listen and learn.
Yoga & Meditation Practices for Grief & Well-Being
Take your grief support and growth to the next level with these mindful, embodiment practices.
I truly believe yoga is for every body - yes, even you. These classes and practices are guided with grace and care for your mental, emotional, and physical capacities, working edges, and limitations. There is something for everyone from the beginner to the long-term practitioner. All courses are trauma-informed, gently guided, and languaged in a way that supports and affirms healthy grief and growth while enriching your self-relationship and capacity to become responsive and attuned to your inner and outer experiences with grace and resilience.
New Podcast Coming Soon!
Sarah Nannen is launching a new podcast in 2024 filled with real talk and tender conversations. You don’t want to miss this fresh and enriching grief resource.
“I didn't even know what I was looking for when I first talked to Sarah. I had gotten beyond that initial survival mode but I didn't know how to be in my new life, so I was feeling this sense of “in between” ...like floating...not really living a full life. I didn't know many of the answers to her questions the first time we talked. Working with Sarah has changed everything. I feel hopeful and not only that, I feel like I know I can give myself what I need. I know that I can do what I want to do and I can be happy. It's this empowering feeling that it wasn't there before. There is a new way of being that can create more ease in your life than you had even before your loss. This is something I feel like we should all learn when we're in elementary school - just imagine what our lives would be like if we had learned this at a very young age. The world would be a different place I think.”
- Kathleen H.
“When I signed on with Sarah, my first thought was, “what did I get myself into? It’s going to be emotional and gut-wrenching to work with it all.” But she’s been incredible in helping me move forward. She’s been a bit of a savior to me. I have a more positive outlook. I have tools. It’s just amazing what she has done. The deeper one on one sessions with Sarah have really challenged my thinking. I like that I can discuss grief triggers and get a fresh perspective from Sarah...it really helps seeing things from a wider lens than my own small world. With help from Sarah, I really feel I'm making progress "owning my story" and integrating the past events of my life into my future where I'm in control to find a totally new path for myself.”
- Carol R.
You can’t intellectualize your way through survival mode. That’s the best way to get stuck there so long it starts to feel normal.